Genre: Comedy / Drama
Stars: Catherine Keener, Oliver Platt, Rebecca Hall, Amanda Peet, Sarah Steele
Synopsis: A middle aged couple buy their elderly neighbors next door apartment and clash with her grandchildren while waiting for her to die so they can expand their own living quarters.
AltAss Ratings (On a scale of 1 to 5 asses)
Plot & Writing:

A very nice examination of interesting characters with real world flaws and motivations.

A very experienced and talented cast led by Catherine Keener and Oliver Platt brought the film to life on screen. The old lady who played the neighbor was very funny and reminiscent of many a stubborn old person you might encounter in everyday life.

A rare film that common folk can identify with that explores thoroughly a topic which everybody has encountered and coped with, guilt.

See this film when you're in the mood to view a much truer reflection of our society than the typical Hollywood fantasy usually provides. Keeping in mind of course this means an ending with no happily ever after or cut and dried winners or losers. It is definitely worth a look.
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