Genre: Action / Crime / Drama
Stars: Geena Davis, Samuel L. Jackson, Craig Bierko
Synopsis: An amnesia stricken woman is haunted by her past eight years into her new life as a wife, mother, and schoolteacher.
AltAss Ratings (On a scale of 1 to 5 asses)

An extremely entertaining premise for a film even if it was way beyond the realm of believability.
Writing / Production:

"The Long Kiss Goodnight" is filled with cheesy one liners, over the top stunts, and questionable plot points but is damn entertaining and enjoyable so whatever the filmmakers did was working.

Samuel L. Jackson plays the part of the inept sidekick perfectly and Geena Davis pulls off the difficult task of going from innocent schoolteacher to bad ass assassin pretty well although her performance wasn't a complete homerun. Craig Bierko was so entertaining as the villain it was hard to hate him.

It feels alot like many films from this genre and time period but it definitely has a distinct character.

This film was flat out fun and easy to watch. Some audiences will certainly be critical because the film is admittedly an easy target for the "yeah right" crowd but don't let that keep you from having some fun and check out "The Long Kiss Goodnight".
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