Genre: Comedy / Drama
Stars: David Duchovny, Demi Moore, Amber Heard
Synopsis: A seemingly normal happy family move into a somewhat ritzy subdivison and proceed to impress the neighbors with their state of the art material posessions.
AltAss Ratings (On a scale of 1 to 5 asses)

Brilliant idea that is both entertaining and a smart commentary on our society.

Utilizes "smart" humor and good pace to advance the storyline quickly and efficiently. Perhaps could have benefiited from some more complete character development but a great effort overall.

Real solid performances from Duchovny and Moore with very nice support from the smaller roles.

Without question a new idea for a film and very refreshing one at that.

Here is a movie that is funny, smart, sad, and an excellent indictment of where consumerism has taken industrialized nations in a global society. This should definitely go to the top of your NetFlix queue.
The Laugh Factor
Belly Laughs: 1-3
Chuckles: 6-8
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