Genre: Drama / Sport
Stars: John Cena, Patrica Clarkson, Devon Graye, Danny Glover
Synopsis: An intellectual type high schooler decides to join the wrestling team in an attempt to reconnect with his estranged brother who was a former champion.
AltAss Ratings (On a scale of 1 to 5 asses)

Filled with cliches but they are all the right ones that should make a movie like this work.

Not impressive. Since this is a work of pure fiction, the author had unlimited opportunity to increase the drama and pull on our heartstrings until they bled for the protagonist but I barely cared whether he won or lost the final match.

John Cena is an awful actor and I don't remember the expression on his face changing once in this film (except maybe one or two smirks and a smile). I wasn't blown away by Devon Graye in the lead but he is at least a young professional actor with room to grow. It was awkward watching an experienced professional like Patricia Clarkson work with Cena and I don't know why Danny Glover was even in this film.

I guess we're down to water polo and lacrosse now that amateur wrestling has been crossed off the list of heartwarming against all odds sports stories.

The quote on the cover says "Surpasses The Blind Side" which is laughable since this movie spent 18 days in the theatre before being released on DVD and The Blind Side is one of the most successful sports movies of all time. I laughed out loud when the main character comes out for the final match with theme music and pyrotechnics in his high school gym. This film uses one of the most fail proof models in cinema history and still leaves much to be desired.
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