Genre: Comedy
Stars: Tim Allen, Elisha Cuthbert, Eric Christian Olsen, Jenna Elfman
Synopsis: Ladies man and oft married Henry Lefay is tragically killed by a parasailing accident in Mexico leaving his daughter, his wife, and five ex wives to bicker over funeral arrangements.
AltAss Ratings (On a scale of 1 to 5 asses)
Plot & Writing:

The story was okay and had potential for a decent comedy but the writing wasn't very funny.

Tim Allen wasn't blowing anybody away with the funny and was absent for a good portion of the movie because his character is dead. I thought Elisha Cuthbert did a nice enough job as the female lead but Jenna Elfman steals the show by far in a small supporting role and provided most of the laughs.

I'm not sure if this plot line has never been done before but this style of comedy and the gags definitely felt well recycled.

Without looking up the run time, the movie felt like it was at least a half our too long. Not a lot of laughs for a straight up comedy and a comedy that isn't funny is pretty boring. Skip it unless you're having trouble sleeping.
Rated H for Ho-Hum
The Laugh Factor:
Belly Laughs: 0
Chuckles: 3-5