Release Date: June 15th, 2010
Genre: Thriller
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Carrie-Anne Moss, Michael Sheen
Synopsis: An American born Muslim man creates a video tape that shows him arming four nuclear bombs in four unknown locations within the United States. Authorities combine forces and push the limits while interrogating the suspect in a race against the clock to find the explosive devices.
AltAss Ratings (On a scale from 1 to 5 asses)
Plot & Writing:

A solid effort in this category produced a good enough storyline to give the actors a good base to work with. One twist too many keeps this movie from going to the next level.

Surprisingly I felt Sam Jackson did not have his best outing in "Unthinkable" but it wasn't a nightmare either. I have always felt like Carrie-Anne Moss is one of the most underrated actresses in the business and she portrays FBI agent Brody very well. Michael Sheen delivers the best performance of this film, however, as the terrorist threat in government custody.

One of the first main stream films to tackle the subject of torture and during a small section in the middle of the film I was impressed and moved by how well the filmmakers were doing so. Then as if the producers demanded the tone of the project to be changed, the story shifts and the statement is blunted severely.

This film had four asses in the palm of its hand until a horrible plot twist caused it to drop one and a half asses. Still this movie is worth a look and will almost surely keep your interest and deliver some level of enjoyment.
The Laugh Factor
Belly Laughs: 0
Chuckles: 0
I watched the movie and it left a long lasting impression of realism, I think it's a good movie in a genre