Genre: Drama
Stars: Michael Douglas, Danny Devito, Susan Sarandon, Jesse Eisenberg
Synopsis: A series of bad choices leads to the ruin of a once successful business man. While he has found a way back into the game through the connections of the woman he is courting, another lapse in judgement threatens to leave him at the bottom for good.
AltAss Rating (On a scale of 1 to 5 asses)
Plot & Writing:

A nice little piece of work that examines an interesting character. The explanation for his fall from grace and decay into utter demise is, however, ridiculously weak.

Award winning stalwarts Michael Douglass, Susan Sarandon, and Danny Devito are all excellent and effective in their roles. Their younger counter parts Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots do a great job as well in difficult roles.

Felt fresh and new without taking the big risk.

The DVD and IMDB list comedy amongst this films genre and I did not see it that way at all. For me it was a sad drama and one worth checking out. Well written and well acted and not as painfully long as films in this category can tend to be.
The Laugh Factor
Belly Laughs: 0
Chuckles: 1-2
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