Genre: Crime / Drama / Thriller
Stars: Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Ham, Jeremy Renner
Synopsis: A career bank robber finds himself involved with a manager taken hostage during one of his heists and fights the strong currents from his life of crime in an attempt to change his life for good.
AltAss Ratings (On a scale of 1 to 5 asses)

The premise of exploring a love relationship between a criminal and his victim is a strength for this film.
Writing / Production:

"The Town" has some very nice heist and chase scenes with hit or miss dramatic efforts in between. While its nothing extremely special, the film is still pretty good and has a lot of entertainment value.

Ben Affleck has been responsible for some the worst acted scenes in recent history but he is much better in "The Town" and even shows some signs that he has the ability to be a really good actor at times. Jon Ham and Jeremy Renner probably turned in the best performances in this effort.

The fresh and creative feel is why "The Town" has impressed a lot of audiences in my opinion.

This movie isn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it is a breath of fresh air from the steady diet of cookie cutter big budget and big name films steadily shoved down our throats.
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